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Civility Statement

Last Updated: 10/25/2021 4:23 PM

Estill County Board of Education

Civility Statement

The Estill County Board of Education invites parental and community member involvement and recognizes that the vast majority of input received will be of a constructive and civil nature.  However, while it is not the Board’s intent to deny an individual’s right to freedom of expression, it has the responsibility to maintain, to the extent possible and reasonable, safe harassment-free schools, school activities, and workplaces for students and staff and to minimize disruptions to the District’s programs (BOE Policy 10.21).

In recent weeks, we have seen an increase of incidents where parents have been abusive to school employees and have made comments of a threatening nature.  This is a direct violation of state law (see KRS below).

KRS 161.190 Abuse of teacher, classified employee, or school administrator prohibited-Whenever a teacher, classified employee, or school administrator is functioning in his capacity as an employee of a board of education of a public school system, it shall be unlawful for any person to direct speech or conduct toward the teacher, classified employee, or school administrator when such person knows or should know that speech or conduct will disrupt or interfere with normal school activities or will nullify or undermine the good order and discipline of the school.

District employees shall be courteous and helpful in interacting and responding to parents, visitors, and members of the public.  In turn, individuals who come onto District property or contact school employees for school or District business are expected to behave accordingly.  Persons coming onto District property shall be under the jurisdiction of the site administrator or designee.  Behaviors which may warrant further action include but are not limited to:

  1. Cursing and use of obscenities
  2. Disrupting or threatening to disrupt school or office operations
  3. Acting in an unsafe manner that could threaten the health or safety of others
  4. Verbal or written statements or gestures indicating intent to harm an individual or property
  5. Physical attacks intended to harm an individual or substantially damage property

If an individual behaves in a discourteous and uncivil manner, employees may respond as needed, to include but are not limited to the following options:

  1. Hang up on the caller
  2. End a meeting
  3. Ask the individual to leave school
  4. Call the site administrator or designee for assistance
  5. Call the police

Employees are required to report all incidents which involve incivility to their site administrator/designee and to the superintendent.  Incidents will be reviewed for further action by the superintendent including but not limited to restraining orders or pursuit of other legal options on beh

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